Centralized database

A centralized database is a type of database management system (DBMS) architecture where all data is stored in a single location, typically on a central server or mainframe computer. In a centralized database model, all data processing and management tasks are performed by the central server, and client applications access the database remotely to perform data operations.

Here are some key characteristics and features of a centralized database:

Single data repository: In a centralized database, all data is stored in a single database server. This central repository is responsible for managing, storing, and processing all data for the entire organization or application.

Client-server architecture: Centralized databases follow a client-server architecture, where client applications communicate with the central database server to access and manipulate data. Clients can be desktop applications, web applications, mobile apps, or other systems that interact with the central server over a network.

Data security and access control: Centralized databases implement access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users and applications can access and modify the data. This central control helps in enforcing security policies and protecting sensitive information.

Data integrity and consistency: Since all data is stored in a single location, maintaining data integrity and consistency is relatively straightforward. Changes to the data are immediately reflected across the entire database, reducing the risk of data discrepancies or conflicts.

Data redundancy: Centralized databases can be susceptible to data redundancy since all data is stored in a single location. Careful database design is essential to avoid unnecessary data duplication and ensure efficient storage and retrieval. Data backups and recovery: Centralized databases typically implement robust backup and recovery procedures to protect against data loss. Regular backups of the entire database are performed to ensure data can be restored in case of system failures or disasters.

Performance considerations: The performance of a centralized database largely depends on the hardware and processing power of the central server. The server needs to handle all data operations for all connected clients, so its capacity must be able to handle the workload efficiently.

Scalability challenges: As the amount of data and the number of users grow, centralized databases may face scalability challenges. The central server could become a bottleneck in handling a large number of concurrent connections and data processing requests.

Network dependence: Since client applications access the centralized database over a network, the performance and availability of the network can impact the overall performance of the system. Network failures or latency could affect the responsiveness of client applications.

Management and maintenance: Centralized databases are typically managed and maintained by a dedicated team of database administrators (DBAs) who are responsible for ensuring the database's health, security, and performance.

Centralized databases are commonly used in small to medium-sized organizations or applications where data volumes are manageable, and the number of concurrent users is limited. However, as data and user demands increase, organizations may consider other database architectures, such as distributed databases or sharded databases, to address scalability and performance requirements.

Other List
Database Terminology
Database History
In-memory database
Deductive database
Database meaning
Types of databases
Animation database
Back-end database
Bibliographic database
Centralized database
Cloud database
Collection database
Collective Optimization Database
Configuration management database
Cooperative database
Cooperative database
Correlation database
Current database
Distributed database
Document-oriented database
Directory service
EDA database
Endgame tablebase
Food composition data
Full text database
Government database
Graph database
Mobile database
Navigational database
Online database
Operational database
Parallel database
Probabilistic database
Real-time database
Relational database
Spatial database
Temporal database
Time series database
Very large database
Virtual private database
Vulnerability database
Database use
database-management system (DBMS)
Database theory
Conjunctive query
First-order logic
Logical conjunction
Database machine
Database server
Database application
Database connection
Database administrator
Database administration tools
Database-centric architecture
Intelligent database
Database publishing
Database normalization
Database refactoring
Database programming
Database abstraction layer
Application programming interface
Object-relational mapping
Database management
Database virtualization
Virtual data partitioning
Horizontal data partitioning
Database tuning
I/O tuning
DBMS tuning
Automatic database tuning
Database maintenance
Database caching
Data migration
Data Storage migration
Database migration
Application migration
Business process migration
Project versus process
Migration as a form of digital preservation
Data migration Disadvantages